Dear Smoothbook user:
Thanks so much for reading this blog post, I just wanted to quickly share some of the updates that are in the pipeline for Smoothbook.
You may know me via email and phone: my name is James and I’m the founder of Smoothbook.
The short message is that this is a busy time for Smoothbook: there are many fixes, updates and a few new major features coming to the system in the next few months. These things should greatly enhance the user experience for both you and your users – which is the primary goal of the project. Smoothbook has been built from the start on your feedback, thoughts and ideas – it’s always great to hear what you think.
Here are some of the more major updates in the pipeline for Smoothbook:
Events and workshops
The big immediate update is that workshops and events are now natively supported in Smoothbook. You can create a workshop schedule: that is, timeslots that occur only on specific dates. The scheduling interface to do this is much the same as the interface to create weekly schedules except for a couple of features unique to workshops:
- You can specify that someone who books one date of a workshop is automatically booked into all of or the remainder of them.
- In the charging section you can use the existing charging options (single appointments + packages) or you can set one charge for the whole workshop.
So you could create a ‘semester’ for example and book your customer into all dates of the semester in one go.
If you’d like to know more about how to implement workshops, you can read the help section for workshops here:
Updates to the booking calendar
Since the booking calendar is how you, as a Smoothbook user, present yourself to your customers, the appearance, functionality and usability of the booking calendar is of primary importance.
We will shortly be releasing an updated version of the booking calendar. The layout and functionality will be almost exactly the same as before but cosmetically the calendar will be updated and improved; there will also be the option to customise the calendar.
Another new feature which has been quite a long time in the making is the ability to offer your customers subscription based memberships: your customers will have access to the services that you specify for a monthly subscription. I aim to make memberships available within the next two months.
Quality Assurance
To supplement the quite significant amount of testing that goes into Smoothbook before it’s released, I’ve hired some experienced, professional Quality Assurance personnel to ensure that the reliability of Smoothbook is as high as humanly possible. I take great pride in Smoothbook as a product: it’s critical to me that errors are as few as possible. But web development being what it is, and with the large number of updates coming down the pipeline, it’s impossible to guarantee there will be no problems on a product the size of Smoothbook. If anything is wrong at all please let me know straight away!
…and many others!
There are numerous small updates coming soon to Smoothbook: waitlists, attendance, concurrent appointments, user notifications, payment statuses, etc. I’ll update you as these are released.
Thanks, as always, for your support and feedback – all of your ideas, suggestions, bug reports and feedback are much appreciated. I hope that these new updates will help everyone with their businesses and organisations. If you have any comments or suggestions at all, please let me know.