Time managing can sometimes be extremely stressful and hard thing to do. Sometimes, we feel like we haven’t got enough time to do everything we need or want to do. This often results in poor performance and an even poorer mood. Thankfully, everything can be achieved with proper time management.
Why schedule your week ahead?
The reasons are honestly countless. Have you ever had that dreadful Sunday feeling in which you realize that you haven’t done what you were supposed to, or at least waited until the last second to do so? Yeah, well, let’s try and avoid that dreadful feeling, shall we? Without proper organization, we just stumble through our work and chores without ever stopping to smell the roses because we’re trying to accomplish everything at once. That’s a huge cliche, we know, but, it does make life a lot more interesting and satisfying. Because of proper organization, you’ll have more free time to indulge in whatever you wish and spend time however you like. It also makes us productive, which is universally one of the best feelings there are. Feeling productive can single-handedly make us instantly happier and even bring us out of depression.
Planning ahead is extremely important as it will allow you to be the most efficient version of yourself that you can be. How it works is that you basically want to create an outliner of what you are going to do each day of the week. There are tons of accessories you can use, from writing boards, notebooks, calendars, apps, websites, journals, and more. All of this will also help bring out a sense of accomplishment by you setting your goals, working towards them, and in the end, overcoming them. You’ll feel an improvement in the quality of your life immediately, but once you fully embrace this path of scheduling and get used to it, the benefits are beyond imagination. Every single aspect of your life might improve because of it, and we’re not overstating that.
How to schedule your week ahead?
First of all, you have to figure out which goals do you want to pursue. We’re talking about both long-term and short-term goals. Both are equally important and complement each other. Once you’ve realized what your goals are, start making a detailed list of what you’re going to need or do this week. This will vary on the week ahead, sometimes it will be an easier week and the hardest thing you will have to do is grocery shopping. That’s all fine, but other weeks you might have huge projects that need tending to and will drain most of your time, hence scheduling. Of course, you have to set priorities, if you have big projects to finish and you want to go have coffee with friends, guess which one you should focus on first.
By prioritizing and making the big project your main goal, you’ll have more time afterward to actually enjoy that coffee with friends instead of worrying about the big projects. Consistency and repetition are key here, as you’ll get more and more in control of the time and tasks at hand. This then turns into a routine over time, making it easy for you as you’ve already spent hours and weeks practicing this. What’s also an interesting way of dealing with this is, review the week you’ve just finished. Go through your checklist and see what and how have you done. If you weren’t able to accomplish most of your set goals, make some adjustments. On the other hand, if you’ve achieved everything and have too much time to spare, add more goals.
If you want to learn more and are in need of a great scheduling app, we can definitely help you with that as we have an impressive range of interesting solutions to offer.